If you’re in a rush:
#1 favorite vegan cookbook: How Not To Die Cookbook by Michael Greger.
#2 favorite vegan cookbook: Rachel Ama’s Vegan Eats.
When I first turned vegan I was at a loss for what to cook on a daily basis. Sure I had a few staple meals I knew from my vegetarian days that were also vegan, but they were hardly enough to sustain a full-time vegan diet.
Because of this, as well as initially having more take out, I turned to recipe books to get both inspiration and some new staple meals. I found that once you find a chef with a cooking style you like, you’re more likely to find a number of recipes which you’ll work into your collection of favorite meals.
With that said, here are my favorite vegan cookbooks. I’ll make sure I update this article in future as I find more great books and recipes.
#1 Best Vegan Cookbook: How Not To Die Cookbook By Michael Greger

After I read the original How Not To Die book (the non-cookbook version), I was left thinking “this is great, but how do I get enough of these healthy foods in my diet without feeling like a rabbit?” I’m sure Michael got a lot of people asking the same, as he’s since released the How Not To Die Cookbook.
This book is all about giving you great tasting food that your body will thank you for. Not just your taste buds, but your whole body.
In Michael’s original How Not To Die book (non-recipe version), he spoke about how many modern day illnesses like heart disease can not only be slowed down by eating a healthy plant based diet, but they can also be reversed too. This was a real game changing book for me, and based on the reviews, it was for many other people too.
The cookbook is equally as great. It’s not one of those vegan cookbooks that have good branding but disappointing food, in fact I feel the cover of this book is a bit weak despite the great food it shows you how to make. What I will say though is many of the recipes in this book have good flavors and aren’t too difficult to make. And just knowing that all of the foods in this book help me live a healthier life and go a way to preventing disease; well, there really wasn’t another option when it came to my number one top vegan cookbook.
Favorite Vegan Main Meal Recipe:
Chickpea and Cauliflower Curry – Page 130.

Favorite Vegan Dessert Recipe:

Baked Apple Crumbles – page 190.
Click here to get the How Not To Die Cookbook now.
#2 Best Vegan Cookbook: Rachel Ama’s Vegan Eats

I actually got Rachel Ama’s Vegan Eats as a present. I had never heard of Rachel before but I’m glad I know about her now!
This book aims to give both the main staple classics in vegan form, as well as some of her personal favorite foods based on her Caribbean, Welsh, and African family upbringing.
There’s definitely a lot of different styles in here so you’ll almost certainly find something you want to make. I’ve still to try a number of her recipes, with the African Peanut Stew next on my list, but the recipes I’ve tasted so far have all been good or great.
One thing I’ll say is there’s generally more ingredients used than in the How Not To Die Cookbook, and some of the ingredients will be harder to find if you’re not living in a big city. This isn’t the case with all recipes in this book, but if you’re after simplicity (but still with great flavors), How Not To Die may be the best option for you.
Favorite Vegan Main Meal Recipe:

Spanish Butterbean Stew With Roast Peppers – Page 142.
Favorite Vegan Dessert Recipe:

Lemon And Almond Drizzle Cake With Pistachios – page 212.